
Text analysis

Plagiarism detection system

Plagiarism detection system

Plagiarism detection system is specifically designed for proctoring providers and users, LMS providers and integrators, as well as universities and educational organizations. With our advanced technology, you can process several hundreds of exam scripts in just a matter of hours.

The solution processes several hundreds of exam essays in a few hours, finding for the instructors only few highly similar pairs of exam scripts for manual inspection.

The antiplagiarism solution is based on Silk Data’s proprietary document processing and analysis platform. It consists of a text extraction from PDF and other formats, text comparison engine, and visualization of results for analysis.

AI-Powered Text Compare Tool

AI-Powered Text Compare Tool

Discover Silk Data’s text compare tool: an advanced AI tool that empowers businesses to efficiently analyze and compare large text datasets. Our content matching tool can simplify document reviews, detect subtle differences, and provide visualization to analyze common semantic units.

Text Summarization

Text Summarization

Text Summarization is a powerful tool that can help companies extract valuable insights from large volumes of information. By using Artificial Intelligence and advanced algorithms, our tool can condense lengthy, complex texts into shorter, more concise summaries that are easier to understand and digest. The benefits of Text Summarization go beyond simply saving time and reducing the amount of information that needs to be reviewed. This can lead to more informed decision-making, better customer insights, and improved product development.

Whether you need to analyze news articles, legal documents, or scientific research papers, our technology can help you get the insights you need quickly and efficiently.

Contact us to learn more about how Text Summarization can benefit your business.

Contract Analysis

Contract Analysis

The AI Contract Analysis web interface leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence and advanced algorithms to analyze contracts, agreements, and other legal documents. It can quickly identify key terms, clauses, and provisions, and provide a comprehensive summary of the document. This can help businesses save time and reduce the risk of errors or oversights that can lead to costly legal disputes. Our AI Contract Analysis web interface is user-friendly and easy to use, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Web interface that helps businesses operate more productively. The AI Contract Analysis turns arduous, time-consuming processes into effective tools that help your company save money.

Semantic Map

Semantic Map

At Silk Data, we pride ourselves on using the latest technology to enhance the way we work with data. Our Semantic Map is a game-changer when it comes to making sense of large volumes of text data. With this technology, we are able to automatically identify the relationships between texts, map them to semantically related keywords, and then create a visual representation of the data. This means that you can quickly and easily understand the relationships between different pieces of information, and make informed decisions based on the insights you gain.

Check out our demo to see Semantic Map in action!

Automatic news analysis

Automatic news analysis

Silk Data had implemented Analytics Platform for seamless news analysis, offering advanced NLP and machine learning technologies. Our solution empowers users to effortlessly compare news articles, detect media biases, and uncover syndicated news…

Web Crawling

Web Crawling

With our technology of web crawling technology, large data sets can be extracted and cleaned up in a few hours.
