
Supermarket chain

People are making purchases on their smartphones in greater numbers. Every business wants to be more accessible to its customers, and a mobile application may help with that. See how it helped a German retail chain make new customers and increase loyalty among existing ones.

Time: July 2022 – ongoing

Client overview

Our client is one of the Top 10 offline German retail corporations that operates a chain of supermarkets around the country. The company sells wholesale and retail good food and drink in real diversity. The chain has now expanded to more than 90 stores. The client's target audience is city residents who have a neutral attitude towards the supermarket chain and often make purchases there.


The client needed an application that would make its customers more loyal and attract new ones. The number of stores is constantly growing, so the client’s requirement was to make customer experience easier and more convenient with the help of mobile app. The app must be for both Android and iOS. The project is aimed at new and existing clients of the company.

The client wanted that customer can: 

  • monitor the number of bonuses on their account on the application
  • use their bonus card with mobile app
  • view purchases history
  • track all current discounts: products of the week, promotional offers.

Silk Data team has already worked on a mobile application for another German company, and we were eager to find the most inventive and original solution to a new customer's challenge.

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We decided to develop a product that will benefit the business and the customer at the same time and will also help to establish communication between buyers and stores. We have created an application that is:

  • user-friendly - the interface is intuitive and easy to use
  • effective - the application improves client retention, aids the business in comprehending its clients, and eventually boosts sales
  • informative - the customer sees the real benefit from using the app.

As part of this partnership, our team of developers has created a custom application with a user-friendly interface for transparent communication between customers and stores. The system is supported 24/7 due to the large growth of the customer base. Currently, Silk Data continues to provide services for maintaining and supporting the mobile application, as well as developing the solution. Any requests for the project were discussed, and decisions were taken while considering the problem that this proposal would address and how it would facilitate using the application. 

Key Results

The application is available now to download both for Android and iOS.

We have optimized and developed the following functions from scratch:

  1. The application is helpful and uncluttered. There are only necessary and useful functions that save customer’s time.
  2. Loyalty Program. The app has a loyalty program that rewards customers for their purchases, encouraging repeat business.
  3. Discount card is always at hand. Buyers do not need to carry plastic cards with them - they are all now in the mobile application.
  4. Customers can now plan purchases starting to receive information about sales and discounts.
  5. Push notifications. Push notifications allow customers know about new products, promotions, and special offers.
  6. Barcode scanner. With a barcode scanner, customers can quickly scan the barcode of a product to get its details, such as the price, weight, and nutritional information, without having to manually search for it.
  7. Store locator. A store locator feature is included in the app, which enables customers to find the closest supermarket.
  8. Shopping cart. Customers can add products to a virtual cart and review their order before checking out.

Key Takeouts

The developed application has enabled the company to achieve the following results:

  • Reduced the time spent on maintenance by 30%, which means the company can now allocate more time and resources towards other important tasks that drive growth and improve the bottom line.
  • Increased the customer base by 18%. This is a significant achievement and demonstrates the effectiveness of the application in attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. 
  • More than 2500 new customers.
  • With the loyalty programs, the company has been able to increase customer retention by 23%, meaning that more customers are returning to the company to make purchases.
  • The company has seen a 38% increase in the implementation of loyalty programs, indicating that more customers are signing up for the programs and taking advantage of the benefits they offer.

Overall, the results achieved by the developed application demonstrate its effectiveness in driving business growth and improving the company's bottom line. The company can now leverage these results to make data-driven decisions and further optimize the application for even better results.

Project info


Mobile App




Figma Firebase Kotlin Swift
Text Summarization
Communal service
Contract Analysis
Supermarket chain
AI-assisted Search
Large-scale image search system
Predictive Analytics
Web Crawling
Semantic Map
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